This Penguin container can keep your stuff inside its body to protect them from the rain or dust. But the real penguin keeps plastic debris inside its body because it was mistaken for food and that can ultimately kill them. Please save these little lives by disposing of your trash properly, recycling everything you can, and choosing biodegradable products.
Barcode 8858782118114
The world is getting hotter and hotter and a penguin can hardly bear it. This penguin stands on his iceberg asking you for your help. Penguin on Ice is a stylish popsicle maker that will let you create an iceberg with flavor, just pour your favorite drink into the mold and you will have a delicious iceberg popsicle to help you cool off on a hot summer day. Your friendly penguin will be happy waiting in the freezer for you, he loves the cold.
Barcode 8858782113256
In last 50 years, penguin population is a decline by about 77%. How many it will remain in the next 10 years if we are still rapidly changing the climate caused by our daily activities?.
This penguin soap dispenser is not designed to be functionally cute but also wants to stay near you to remind you how risk is their species to endangered of extinction.
(source : greenpeace)