Keep your things in this whale at home, not in the ones at sea!
Our plastic waste has been finding its way into the oceans, and into the bellies of whales, causing them much harm and even leading to death – these poor whales have been found all over the world washed up with plastic waste in their bodies.
Let’s manage our consumption of plastic products more responsibly and do our part in saving the whales!
An apple a day keeps the mess away! Happle the container is a simply perfect solution to keep your place clean at all time. Pleasing the eyes as well as the soul, Happle sits chicly as a decorative item at the same time. Its stick is designed wisely to be able to indicate the space left inside without the hassle of lifting the top, too. Less is more: turning the lid upside down and you’ll get a functional tray!
Nothing beats the feeling of luck like a mouse who falls into a rice bin. Bring that feeling home today with the Lucky Mouse, who will sit happily in the included container and add a fun twist to your kitchen.