Penguin Soap Dispenser


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  • United States dollar ($) - USD
  • Euro (€) - EUR

In last 50 years, penguin population is a decline by about 77%. How many it will remain in the next 10 years if we are still rapidly changing the climate caused by our daily activities?.

This penguin soap dispenser is not designed to be functionally cute but also wants to stay near you to remind you how risk is their species to endangered of extinction.

(source : greenpeace)


In last 50 years, penguin population is a decline by about 77%. How many it will remain in the next 10 years if we are still rapidly changing the climate caused by our daily activities?.

This penguin soap dispenser is not designed to be functionally cute but also wants to stay near you to remind you how risk is their species to endangered of extinction.

(source : greenpeace)


Material : GY-WH – RPET / BK-WH – Recycled PA (Discarded Fishing Nets)


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


Penguin Soap Dispenser

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