My little Deer always likes to stick around. He helps me keep my office space nice and organized with his magnetic tummy, he stands guard while I’m away from my desk, and he also provides my desk with a sense of style that will bring a smile to anybody’s face. The Deer magnet will definitely make your life easier.
Each fin is a strong magnet for your notes. More importantly, these shark magnets say that fins clearly belong on sharks and not us, representing your support for the banning of finning to protect our sharks.
This gorilla is cuter than the ones in the movies – and much more helpful too! It will help you pry your bottlecaps open and cling to your fridge with his magnetic paws after he’s done.
The mother sparrow always takes good care of her eggs and never lets it out of her sight.
These little magnet eggs will keep your notes or long list of shopping right where it should be.
After you are done with it, please gently place them back at their warming nest because their mother will be worried sick if you misplaced them.