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Keep your things in this whale at home, not in the ones at sea!
Our plastic waste has been finding its way into the oceans, and into the bellies of whales, causing them much harm and even leading to death – these poor whales have been found all over the world washed up with plastic waste in their bodies.
Let’s manage our consumption of plastic products more responsibly and do our part in saving the whales!
Barcode 8858782110316
This is a container for our convenience but the ocean is not.
Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic goes into the ocean, floating, sinking and causes the deaths of more than 100,000 marine mammals.
It’s time to think carefully about everything we use to avoid fulling the ocean with our irresponsibility.Barcode 8858782113072
This is a container for our convenience but the ocean is not.
We are not only increasing the climate and the earth’s temperature but we also fulling our ocean with our waste.
Now it’s time to change our behavior, to slow down the climate changing and safe our marine mammal lives.Barcode 8858782113102
This is a container for our convenience but the ocean is not.
Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic goes into the ocean, floating, sinking and causes the deaths of more than 100,000 marine mammals.
It’s time to think carefully about everything we use to avoid fulling the ocean with our irresponsibility.Barcode 8858782111177
This is a container for our convenience but the ocean is not.
We are not only increasing the climate and the earth’s temperature but we also fulling our ocean with our waste.
Now it’s time to change our behavior, to slow down the climate changing and safe our marine mammal lives.Barcode 8858782111207
Plastic bags kill countless numbers of sea creatures every year. Do your part to minimize the number of plastic bags thrown away by reusing your plastic bags or using cloth bags. This whale plastic bag holder will help remind you of the unintended effects of our waste products to sea life and be more conscious of our lifestyle.
Barcode 8858782118107