
  • ฿240.00

    Thousands of baby penguins drowned after sea ice broke up. This cotton bud holder can protect the little penguin and cotton buds from dust but it does not help protect penguins from extinction. So please help consume responsibly.

    Barcode : 8858782118701

  • ฿260.00

    Penguins are sadly one of the most threatened groups of seabirds, with half of the 18 species listed as either Vulnerable or Endangered due to global warming. This penguin bottle opener will remind you every time you open the bottle, about the impact on the environment and remind you to consume responsibly.

    Barcode : 8858782118718

  • ฿180.00

    Up to one million plants and animal species face extinction because of human activities and climate change. This ice pop mold will at least remind you about the beauty of nature that we once had before.

    Barcode : 8858782119692

  • ฿240.00

    Up to one million plants and animal species face extinction because of human activities and climate change. This mug and cover will at least remind you about the beauty of nature that we once had before.


    Barcode : 8858782119630

  • ฿320.00

    Don’t be like a bear with a sore head in the morning! Use this fun wine stopper to save the last glass for another day.
    As you push the wine stopper down, the bear ungracefully falls over to remind you that you may end bottoms up after one too many!

    Barcode 8858782104131

  • ฿280.00

    These wild animals will warm you up and also protect your drink. Put the island on the stem of your wine glass. Show off your stylish side through the night and let these wine animals look after your favorite drink.

    Barcode 8858782111832

  • ฿240.00

    The world is getting hotter and hotter and a penguin can hardly bear it. This penguin stands on his iceberg asking you for your help. Penguin on Ice is a stylish popsicle maker that will let you create an iceberg with flavor, just pour your favorite drink into the mold and you will have a delicious iceberg popsicle to help you cool off on a hot summer day. Your friendly penguin will be happy waiting in the freezer for you, he loves the cold.

    Barcode 8858782113256

  • ฿90.00฿240.00

    This little polar bear is here to make your life a little easier. He will guard your keys wherever you go. When you arrive home just put him back in his cozy cave and he will be patiently waiting for you to return. He also functions as a whistle in case of emergencies. He might be overlooked by his small size but he will always be by your side.

  • ฿300.00

    Now these are some true party animals. They come in two sets and they will liven up any gathering you have. Put them on the edge of a glass and they will act as a marker so everyone will know which glass is theirs. When used as a fork it will stand tall to identify your own fork. Each character will reflect the users personality. Are you the hunter or the hunted? These party animals will party hard throughout the night as any true party animal should.

    Barcode 8858782107279

  • ฿220.00

    The iceberg is the polar bear’s habitat; it is melting much quicker these days due to the Global Warming. This makes it more difficult for a Polar bear to find a place to live. There are several occasions where it dies from swimming over a few hundred miles to find food or a place to stand and rest yet drown because there is no iceberg for it to stand. he food is rarely to find, and with the fewer resting place caused from the Global Warming, the Polar bear is under the threats of extinction. Please come and help to protect the earth from the Global Warming before the polar bear extinct as well as other animals. If someone wants to kick you out from your home, you’ll definitely bears. So if you can, please help stop the global warming.
