The oceans have been absorbing more than 90% of greenhouse gases. This has a dramatic and adverse impact on ocean life and destroying Coral habitats. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. Coral bleaching is a symptom of injury we are causing to the earth. Climate change affects coral reefs and their habitats. Though the environment cannot be recovered or replaced, this seasoning shaker will at least remind you about the beauty of nature that we once had before.
Many sea creatures are suffering from plastic products left in the ocean. Please use plastic responsibly so that we will keep them safe during our lifetime. Meanwhile, these marine animals will keep your notes safe too!
No one would have thought that the cotton bud affects the safety of sea life, but it does, so please be responsible when using all plastic disposable products, use only as needed and recycle as much as you can.
Climate change affects all kinds of creatures on earth, even the beautiful coral reefs in our oceans.
Rising temperatures make corals turn white in colour, which in turn affects other marine life as well.
Let these two corals serve salt and pepper, as well as a gentle reminder to live more sustainably.
Climate change is affecting the colour of corals, turning them white.
Place the inverted mug over the coral to create a beautiful diorama of nature, or use the coral as a mug lid.
Either way, this mug and lid set will help to remind you to be environmentally conscious, while keeping your beverage dust-free.
Keep your things in this whale at home, not in the ones at sea!
Our plastic waste has been finding its way into the oceans, and into the bellies of whales, causing them much harm and even leading to death – these poor whales have been found all over the world washed up with plastic waste in their bodies.
Let’s manage our consumption of plastic products more responsibly and do our part in saving the whales!
This is a container for our convenience but the ocean is not.
Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic goes into the ocean, floating, sinking and causes the deaths of more than 100,000 marine mammals.
It’s time to think carefully about everything we use to avoid fulling the ocean with our irresponsibility.
This is a container for our convenience but the ocean is not.
We are not only increasing the climate and the earth’s temperature but we also fulling our ocean with our waste.
Now it’s time to change our behavior, to slow down the climate changing and safe our marine mammal lives.
This is a container for our convenience but the ocean is not.
Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic goes into the ocean, floating, sinking and causes the deaths of more than 100,000 marine mammals.
It’s time to think carefully about everything we use to avoid fulling the ocean with our irresponsibility.
Multi-purpose clear container that holds all kinds of stuff. Put your cotton balls or jewelry inside the container while hanging your earrings or rings on the coral.
The cotton bud holder that mimics the underwater world for your enjoyment. Using eco-friendly cotton buds would be the better choice for cleanliness – both yours and the planet’s. The clownfish will be happier to play with the anemone when there is less plastic debris in the ocean.
This toothbrush holder holds up to two toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste for your family… or just yourself if you happen to like using two brushes.
Don’t have fun at others’ expense – drink responsibly and don’t litter!
This whale can help you open bottle caps easily, but it’s not supposed to eat them for you! Please keep your bottle caps and other waste from entering the ocean by disposing of them responsibly and recycling them.
Every minute, the plastic waste equivalent of a rubbish truck is emptying in the ocean and traps and tangles with the sea turtle and other marine animals. These poor animals can’t escape or get rid of the plastic waste no matter how hard they tried and will die at the end.
This sea turtle magnet mocks the tangling problem by showing that when your key attached on him, he has no way out. So that we should do everything we can to save them.
No one would eat food mixed with micro-plastic if they knew, but sadly, these sea turtles cannot distinguish what is harmful to them. Ocean pollution is a big threat to the sea turtle at all stages of life and it will continue to torture them if we still consume irresponsibly.
This sea turtle coaster is not only proof of animal cruelty but also helps reduce the plastic waste that may enter to harm the living sea turtle in the nature habitat.